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MASONIC LODGE OFFICER DUTIESClick on Site Map, below, to view all pages on this site. Click on Search This Site, below, to quickly search for words or phrases. Lodge Locations. Jewelry. Amor Estranho Amor Completo Dublados. Popular Pages. Clip Art. Symbols Emblems. Books. EA, FC, MM Quizzes. Inside The Lodge. Conducting is the art of directing a musical performance, such as an orchestral or choral concert. It has been defined as the art of directing the simultaneous. Chass Dance Studios werkt met een open lessysteem. Aanmelden voor de lessen is wenselijk, maar niet verplicht. Chass kan dan contact met je opnemen als er. On the web Products and services The Answer To Your Own Newspaper Composing Trouble Each university student dreads and recognizes something perfectly the neverending. Get single tickets and group tickets to THE BANDS VISIT at Broadways Ethel Barrymore Theatre. Tickets are available at Telecharge. Understudy Training Program' title='Understudy Training Program' />Questions Answers about Diabetes in the Workplace and the Americans with Disabilities Act ADA INTRODUCTION. The Americans with Disabilities Act ADA, which was. Episode Descriptions. In each Martha Speaks episode, the characters use certain vocabulary words throughout the show. See if you can find these words when you watch What is the GPA standard, and where does it come from zThe training program and certification standard for Geographic Profiling Analysts GPAs is drawn from. ADVERTISEMENTS Training Methods On Job Training and off the Job Training Methods A large variety of methods of training are used in business. Even within one. About This Website. Lodge Officer Duties. Masonic Lodge Officer Duties and Responsibilities. Masonic Lodge Officer Duties are solely dependent upon leadership. How To Install Color Map Mod Oblivion On Steam'>How To Install Color Map Mod Oblivion On Steam. Understudy Training Program' title='Understudy Training Program' />Learn what Masonic Lodge Officer Duties entail as well as the meanings of their Jewels of OfficeMasonic Lodge Officers, as they move. Masonic Officer Chairs, as in any organization, could not properly function without a leadership team. Masonic Officer Training. A successful organizations future depends upon how well this team of lodge officers work together to provide Masonic Officer training. In the business world, an organization is built around Presidents. Vice Presidents, General Managers, Regional Managers, Supervisors and Workers. Each position plays an important part in order for the organization to be. In essence, the Masonic Lodge Officer duties and Masonic. Officer Training. Lodge Officer Responsibilities which makes a lodge successful. Masonic Lodge Progressive Line Lodge Officers are part of a progressive line, which is also known as going. Masonic Officer Chairs. This line of. succession moves up one position at a time from one year to the next. If. no one asks to step out of line for any reason, 7 years from the time of. Junior Steward, the Master Mason will arrive at the chair of the. Worshipful Master. The progression is as follows Junior Steward. Senior Steward, Junior Deacon, Senior Deacon, Junior Warden, Senior Warden. Worshipful Master. The progressive line is used in the United States. Lodge Elections In the Masonic Lodge, the top. Lodge Officers are in this order the Worshipful Master, the Senior Warden, Junior Warden. Treasurer and Secretary are elected by the Lodge members at their annual. Normally each position is filled for one year, however they may be. Lodge. elections are performed via a Masonic Ballot Box. Masonic Lodge Officer Duties For Their. Term in Office 1 Year. Appointed Lodge Officer Positions The other. Senior Deacon, Junior Deacon, Senior Steward, Junior Steward. Marshal, Tiler and Chaplain are appointed positions by the Worshipful Master. Other members of the Masonic Lodge may be called on to serve on any of the. Worshipful Master. Lodge Officer Duties and Names The duties and names of the. Masonic. Lodge Jewels In England in the 1. King Edward. III, local city governments grew out of the merchant and craft industries in. After an operative Master stonemason created his. Masters Piece to the satisfaction of the Master of his craft, or guild, he. Master Mason. Heads of the guilds became heads of their. During this time, one of the ways. The practice is still in use today in. England. If you have ever watched a ceremony wherein a Lord Mayor regular. United States attends a formal ribbon cutting event, you would see. Masonic Lodge Officers carry over this ancient guild tradition, today, in. Masonic Officer Chairsand. Masonic Officer Duties. Masonic Lodge Officer Jewels. Medallion Signature of Office. Worshipful Master. Lodge Officer Duties His Jewel is the Square, which is a. Jewel symbolizes virtue. The. Worshipful Master of a Masonic Lodge is the highest ranking of all Lodge Officers which a Lodge. The Worshipful Master sits in the East of the. Lodge room symbolic of the Rising Sun in the East and directs all of the business of the Lodge. Note Even if the building faces a different direction, the Master is said. East. He also presides over. His position is similar to a President of any other. As Master, his word is final over any and all actions. Lodge. It is his duty to Set the Craft to work and give them wholesome instruction for their labor. While the Worshipful Masters rank is. Lodge Officer Duties are the easiest to remember. The Worshipful Master is responsible for every single thing within his lodge. Master. He is ultimately responsible for every other. Masonic education, social functions, fundraisers, District and Grand Lodge. Trestle Board communication, etc. All eyes are upon the Master. If lodge functions go smoothly, it is the Master who takes the credit. If. lodge functions go awry, it is the Master who bears the blame. Therefore. the Master wears many hats. It is his duty to preside over business meetings, the. Lodge Officers. While Freemasons call the Master, Worshipful. Master, they do not, as some people may erroneously believe, actually worship. Worshipful is an honorary title which shows respect for his. In France, the word Worshipful is replaced with the word. It is no different than respecting the office of our. President of the United States. He would be addressed, formally, as Mr. President rather than by his first name. Likewise, if you go before a. Your Honor, rather than by his first name, as a measure of respect that you hold for his office. Lodge Officer Duties. His Jewel is the Level. Masons meet on the level, without regard to social, political or. The Senior. Warden of a Masonic Lodge is the second in command within the Lodge. Worshipful Master, the Senior Warden assumes the Worshipful. Masters duties. The Senior Warden of a Masonic Lodge sits in the West. Worshipful Master in opening and closing the Lodge. Warden is in charge of the Lodge when it is at labor. His position is similar. Vice President of any organization. His ancient duties were to pay the Craft the. It is his duty to support the Master and to prepare himself for that office. Junior Warden. Lodge Officer Duties His Jewel of Office is the Plumb. It symbolizes upright behavior among Masons. The Junior. Warden of a Masonic Lodge is the third in command of the Lodge. The Junior. Warden sits in the South symbolic of the position of the sun at midday and is responsible for the Brethren while the Lodge is at. His position is similar to a Second Vice President. The Junior Warden, too, may open the lodge if the Master is unable to attend. It is the Junior Wardens duty to arrange. Stewards act as his assistants in. Symbolically, it is also his duty to make certain. This is a holdover from earlier days, which still remains as part of the Junior. Wardens job description, even though in most U. S. jurisdictions, alcohol is. Which Officers Can Open the Lodge The Master, the Senior Warden, the Junior Warden or a Past Master. Senior Deacon. Lodge Officer Duties His Jewel is the Square and Compass with. Sun in the middle. The sun signifies that his position is on the. Worshipful Master in the east. Worshipful Master, hence he does a lot of walking. The Senior. Deacon of a Masonic Lodge is an assistant officer of the Lodge. The Senior. Deacons principle roles are to welcome and escort both visitors and candidates. It is his duty to assist the. Worshipful Master and carry orders between the Worshipful Master and the Senior. Warden. During degree rituals, he guides the new candidate and conducts. During the opening and closing ceremonies. Senior Deacon opens the Holy Scriptures to the correct passage of the degree being. He also lights and. Kreator Pleasure To Kill Remastered there. In some lodges, he carries the. The Senior Deacons position is similar to a Manager. The Senior Deacon and the Junior Deacon both carry long staffs or rods. Worshipful Master, the staffs are symbolic of the. Roman winged god and messenger Mercury carried. Atop the rods are the jewels of their offices. Junior Deacon. Lodge Officer Duties Like his senior counterpart, the Senior.